Hui Hoang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 Ib
17 April 2009
Tu Fu Poetry
In Tu Fu's Poems "Night thoughts Afloat" and "Jade flower palace" contains a similaritie in both poems, they both share a very melancholic mood. However the tone in "Jade flower palace" is very different from "Night thoughts Afloat". The tone of "Jade flower palace" is mysterious and wonderous. The tone in "Night thoughts Afloat" is more of a depressed tone because the poet in the poem is not as well known as others so he is left alone. "Oh, where’s my name among the poets?Official rank?
“Retired for ill-health.”"(Tu Fu "Night thoughts Afloat" 9-12) the setting of the poem is alone under the night sky. The imagery used depicts a clear breezy night. "By bent grasses
in a gentle wind
Under straight mast
I’m alone tonight"(Tu Fu 1-4)
The tone of "Jade flower palace" is more of a curious tone where the character sits at the entrance of a once great palace where the setting takes place. The imagery in the poem was vividly described, "There are Green ghost fires in the black rooms."(Tu Fu "Jade Flower Palace" 5-6)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
LRJ #4
Hui Hoang
English 10 Ib
17 April 2009
In the Book of Songs of Chinese poetry the poems "O Oriole, Yellow Bird" and "What PLant is Not Faded" use a similar repition in lines to show the emotions of the poems. In the poem "O Oriole, Yelow Bird" at the end of each stanza he repeats "I Must go back"(Arthur Waley ln 8) to family and to his land. This is because he is in a land where "the people are not minded to nurture him."(Waley ln 5-7)In the second poem "What Plant is not Faded" the poem is about a soldiers hardship and line seven of the poem "Alas, for us soldiers" best describes the emotional feel that the soldiers are feeling.
In the two poems written by Li Po, "letters to his two small Children" and "Quiet night thoughts" the overall mood in "letters to his two small children" is remorse which is shown in lines 11 - 14 ,"This is the tree I myself put in when I left you, nearly three years past; A peach tree now, level with the eaves, and I sailing cannot yet turn home!" In "Quiet night thoughts" he uses imagery to show of him falling asleep and dreaming which gives a very peacful mood.
English 10 Ib
17 April 2009
In the Book of Songs of Chinese poetry the poems "O Oriole, Yellow Bird" and "What PLant is Not Faded" use a similar repition in lines to show the emotions of the poems. In the poem "O Oriole, Yelow Bird" at the end of each stanza he repeats "I Must go back"(Arthur Waley ln 8) to family and to his land. This is because he is in a land where "the people are not minded to nurture him."(Waley ln 5-7)In the second poem "What Plant is not Faded" the poem is about a soldiers hardship and line seven of the poem "Alas, for us soldiers" best describes the emotional feel that the soldiers are feeling.
In the two poems written by Li Po, "letters to his two small Children" and "Quiet night thoughts" the overall mood in "letters to his two small children" is remorse which is shown in lines 11 - 14 ,"This is the tree I myself put in when I left you, nearly three years past; A peach tree now, level with the eaves, and I sailing cannot yet turn home!" In "Quiet night thoughts" he uses imagery to show of him falling asleep and dreaming which gives a very peacful mood.
LRJ #3
Hui Hoang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
17 April 2009
I believe that there is a mix of Confucius and Taoist values in our society today but rarely do many of us follow these rules because of the lifestyles that people live by. In our society we lean towards advancing to higher position where ever, like in businesses or in schools this is like the Taoist belief of being submissive to advance in higher status. The American society still values things that are Confucian values like respect for others, being honest, and providing moral examples for others. However these values are rarely practiced so these values are very rare at times. It is hard to say that the society of today has any of the Confucian or Taoist values but they are there it’s just hard to see it.
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
17 April 2009
I believe that there is a mix of Confucius and Taoist values in our society today but rarely do many of us follow these rules because of the lifestyles that people live by. In our society we lean towards advancing to higher position where ever, like in businesses or in schools this is like the Taoist belief of being submissive to advance in higher status. The American society still values things that are Confucian values like respect for others, being honest, and providing moral examples for others. However these values are rarely practiced so these values are very rare at times. It is hard to say that the society of today has any of the Confucian or Taoist values but they are there it’s just hard to see it.
LRJ #2
Hui Hoang
English 10 Ib
17 April 2009
Tao Te Ching
The main summary of excerpt one from “Tao Te Ching” is that things spoken of will not be spoken of forever, names that are of importance will not stay important. Things with a name unknown are the creatures with the name known. You must lose all desires to see truth but you must desire to see its beauty. As mysteries unfold new ones come. The main meaning of the excerpt is that things change overtime.
The main summary of excerpt three is if you keep praise to oneself it will keep the praised from disputes with others. If items of value are not valued, no one will steal it. To not display what is desirable sets ones mind at ease. The main meaning of this excerpt is using these methods to rule the people will result in a perfect society where one does not dare act in a foolish way.
The main summary of except nine is that things do not last overtime like a sharp point will lose its sharpness and ones possessions may be plentiful but you won’t be able to experience all in your lifetime. To be arrogant with ones wealth and fame is to bring grievance and misery. To rest when one has finished what he has done will lead to good rewards. The meaning of this excerpt is that one is never perfect and that you must not be lost by your desires or possessions and if you keep working hard your work will pay off.
That main summary of excerpt forty three is one who is obedient can stride through the hardest in the world. One that is obedient will benefit from resorting to not taking action. The main meaning of the excerpt is that on that follows rules will one day exceed those.
Some differences of Confucianism and Taoism is that Confucianism promotes the respect for others and in Taoism they do not promote it as much because of the belief that praising one may lead to another’s dispute “Not to honor men of worth will kepp the people from contention.”(“Tao Te Ching”. Lao Tzu, trans D.C. Lau) In Confucianism they promote the providing of moral examples to others where in Taoism they promote being submissive to exceed others.” The most submissive thing in the world can ride roughshod over the hardest in the world.”( “Tao Te Ching”. Lao Tzu)
English 10 Ib
17 April 2009
Tao Te Ching
The main summary of excerpt one from “Tao Te Ching” is that things spoken of will not be spoken of forever, names that are of importance will not stay important. Things with a name unknown are the creatures with the name known. You must lose all desires to see truth but you must desire to see its beauty. As mysteries unfold new ones come. The main meaning of the excerpt is that things change overtime.
The main summary of excerpt three is if you keep praise to oneself it will keep the praised from disputes with others. If items of value are not valued, no one will steal it. To not display what is desirable sets ones mind at ease. The main meaning of this excerpt is using these methods to rule the people will result in a perfect society where one does not dare act in a foolish way.
The main summary of except nine is that things do not last overtime like a sharp point will lose its sharpness and ones possessions may be plentiful but you won’t be able to experience all in your lifetime. To be arrogant with ones wealth and fame is to bring grievance and misery. To rest when one has finished what he has done will lead to good rewards. The meaning of this excerpt is that one is never perfect and that you must not be lost by your desires or possessions and if you keep working hard your work will pay off.
That main summary of excerpt forty three is one who is obedient can stride through the hardest in the world. One that is obedient will benefit from resorting to not taking action. The main meaning of the excerpt is that on that follows rules will one day exceed those.
Some differences of Confucianism and Taoism is that Confucianism promotes the respect for others and in Taoism they do not promote it as much because of the belief that praising one may lead to another’s dispute “Not to honor men of worth will kepp the people from contention.”(“Tao Te Ching”. Lao Tzu, trans D.C. Lau) In Confucianism they promote the providing of moral examples to others where in Taoism they promote being submissive to exceed others.” The most submissive thing in the world can ride roughshod over the hardest in the world.”( “Tao Te Ching”. Lao Tzu)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
As You Like It LRJ #5
Hui Hoang
English 10 IB
17 March 2009
Orland has returned to the court safely with Oliver and the others. Oliver tells Orlando that he has fallen in love with Celia who is disguised as Alenia, and now wants to marry her. but before he marrys he wants to have the consent of his brother. "Consent with both that we may enjoy eachother."(pg177 5.2 ln 9) Orlando give consent for Oliver to marry her. This is an important turning point for both Orlando and Oliver because they finaly treat eachother equally. Orlando is finally reunited with Roslind who if in great worry. "O my dear Orlando, how it greives me to see thee wear thy heart in a scarf."(pg179 5.2 ln 20-21)
English 10 IB
17 March 2009
Orland has returned to the court safely with Oliver and the others. Oliver tells Orlando that he has fallen in love with Celia who is disguised as Alenia, and now wants to marry her. but before he marrys he wants to have the consent of his brother. "Consent with both that we may enjoy eachother."(pg177 5.2 ln 9) Orlando give consent for Oliver to marry her. This is an important turning point for both Orlando and Oliver because they finaly treat eachother equally. Orlando is finally reunited with Roslind who if in great worry. "O my dear Orlando, how it greives me to see thee wear thy heart in a scarf."(pg179 5.2 ln 20-21)
As You Like it LRJ #4
Hui Hoang
English 10 IB
17 March 2009
Orland has figured out the true identity of Ganymede in the forest of Arden to be Roslind after she revealed herself to him. He has promised to meet her but he has arrived an hour later than their promised meeting time. She was very upset but forgives him because of his signs of affection twoards her "Nay, an you be so tardy, come no more in my sight. I had as leif be wooed of a snail"(pg 145 4.1 ln 55-56). Orland departes once again to tend a diner and promises that he will return by two o'clock. Orland would yet still not be there at their promised time because he was injured in a battle with the lioness to protect his brother Oliver. So Oliver went to tell Roslind of the bad news and to prove that he was unable to come Orlando gave Oliver a piece of cloth drapped in his blood. Oliver along with Roslind head to the cave too see Orlando. Oliver and Orlando's hate towrds eachother begins to dissapate and their relations renewed after Orland saves Oliver from the lioness."Twice did he turn his back and proposed so, But kindess, nobler ever than revenge."(pg 165 4.3 ln 134-135)
English 10 IB
17 March 2009
Orland has figured out the true identity of Ganymede in the forest of Arden to be Roslind after she revealed herself to him. He has promised to meet her but he has arrived an hour later than their promised meeting time. She was very upset but forgives him because of his signs of affection twoards her "Nay, an you be so tardy, come no more in my sight. I had as leif be wooed of a snail"(pg 145 4.1 ln 55-56). Orland departes once again to tend a diner and promises that he will return by two o'clock. Orland would yet still not be there at their promised time because he was injured in a battle with the lioness to protect his brother Oliver. So Oliver went to tell Roslind of the bad news and to prove that he was unable to come Orlando gave Oliver a piece of cloth drapped in his blood. Oliver along with Roslind head to the cave too see Orlando. Oliver and Orlando's hate towrds eachother begins to dissapate and their relations renewed after Orland saves Oliver from the lioness."Twice did he turn his back and proposed so, But kindess, nobler ever than revenge."(pg 165 4.3 ln 134-135)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dante's Inferno as a Video Game???

As i was surfing the web i came across an unusual title that caught my eye Dante's Inferno - "God of War meets Dead Space" It was an interesting find especially on a gamming website. EA games has planned to make Dante's Inferno as an adventure / shooter game a supposed mix of God of War and Dead Space. I wonder how the book will be portrayed through an adventure / shooter game, but lets just hope that they dont get too creative, that it just ends up as a big mess.
You can read the full article here:
Heres an updated article of what to expect, and a pretty gruesome trailer:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
LRJ 1 Everyman
Hui Hoang
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
28 January 2009
The theme of Everyman is you can not have what you have earned but what you have given. In tests given to his friends asking them to jouney with him before his life ends to see if they would follow. But none of them agreed to go with him turning their backs and walking away. He did not know what do so he continued looking for more of his friends and kin to go with on ther journey.
All of his friends and family left him to go alone. "If death were the messenger for no man that is living today i will not go that loath journey not for the father begat me!" for they beleived that he was crazy to ask them to go on a journey with him even if the messenger that sent him on the quest was by death himself. But only his knowledge, strngth, beauty, and good deeds followed him. "and through this pilgrimage be never so strong, i will never part you fro." they did not
The things he has earned like, friends, kin, and worldly possesions do not follow him on his pilgramage. but the things he has given others like beauty, knowledge, strength, and good will followed him without their hearts wavering on the journey to the end.
Ms. Peifer
English 10 IB
28 January 2009
The theme of Everyman is you can not have what you have earned but what you have given. In tests given to his friends asking them to jouney with him before his life ends to see if they would follow. But none of them agreed to go with him turning their backs and walking away. He did not know what do so he continued looking for more of his friends and kin to go with on ther journey.
All of his friends and family left him to go alone. "If death were the messenger for no man that is living today i will not go that loath journey not for the father begat me!" for they beleived that he was crazy to ask them to go on a journey with him even if the messenger that sent him on the quest was by death himself. But only his knowledge, strngth, beauty, and good deeds followed him. "and through this pilgrimage be never so strong, i will never part you fro." they did not
The things he has earned like, friends, kin, and worldly possesions do not follow him on his pilgramage. but the things he has given others like beauty, knowledge, strength, and good will followed him without their hearts wavering on the journey to the end.
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